So who will decide Bobbi Kristina's fate? Her father or Nick Gordon, her alleged husband? An advance health care directive would have made this situation a lot easier. Bobby Brown, Bobbi Kristina's father, is keeping a vigil beside his daughter as she...
Advance Health Care Directive
Advance Health Care Directives: Marlise Munoz Story
Advance Health Care Directives likely would have helped poor Marlise Munoz. Brain Death and Pregnancy - the Marlise Munoz Story Thirty-three year old Texan, Marlise Munoz, who was kept alive by a ventilator for over a month in John Peter Smith Hospital, was taken off...
Advance Health Care Directive and Living Will in Pennsylvania: Defining Death
Advance Health Care Directives and Living Wills in PennsylvaniaDefining Death: Uniform Determination of Death ActCan a person be simultaneously dead and alive? One would think that it's simple enough to define death. If your heart stops and you do not...
The Importance of Advance Health Care Directives vs. Living Wills
Why is an advance health care directive better than a living will in Pennsylvania? In June 2013, Nik Wallenda became the first man ever to walk across the Grand Canyon on a tightrope. In October of 2012, Felix Baumgartner jumped from a capsule on the edge of space,...